Emily Burns  |  Director, Writer  

directed Dear Octopus, National Theatre

“ it needs a tip-top, fastidious, perfectly pitched production and, with director Emily Burns at the National, this is precisely what it gets” (Observer)
“Emily Burns’s beautifully sensitive revival is poignant, exquisitely performed theatre” (Telegraph) 
“Emily Burns’ direction of Dear Octopus at the National Theatre is immaculate.” (The Stage)

directed Jack Absolute, National Theatre

“the giddiest night of theatre you’ll have all summer” (Independent)
“perfectly paced, ideally calibrated production” (Variety)
“an enormously loveable show” (Sunday Times)

adapted Romeo and Juliet, National Theatre/Sky Arts/PBS

“Audacious and fleet-footed” (The Times)            
“a hybrid wonder and full of intelligent invention” (Guardian)
“Half as long and twice as good” (New York Times)

directed The Comeback, Noël Coward Theatre

“Quicksilver capers, crisply directed” (Observer)
“It’s all an inch away from chaos and, since it’s perfectly timed and ruthlessly controlled,uproariously funny” (Variety

The Stage 25, 2022. Associate of the National Theatre and the Bridge Theatre

also working with The Pin, the James Cousins Company, and the Shakespeare Theatre Company

Represented by Rose Cobbe, United Agents